Bidding Instructions

This year, we use paper bidding to ensure that reviewers will be assigned papers that fit their expertise and interest. Paper bidding will be handled in EasyChair. We will send out an email including these instructions when it is time to bid on papers to review.


 – Bidding starts after the abstract deadline

 – Bidding end on TBA (midnight Europe/Berlin time)

 – Bidding requirement for PC: at least 8 positive bids (“yes” or “maybe”)

Detailed Instructions for Reviewers

Please look through the submissions and place at least 8 “yes” or “maybe” bids. “Yes” bids are for papers you would really like to review.  “Maybe” bids are for papers you would be OK with reviewing. Please bid on papers that lie in your area of expertise. Bidding is an important chance to express your preferences but it does not guarantee a particular allocation.

The more positive bids you provide, the more accurate our predictions will be for what you like. Note that we cannot guarantee that you get only papers that you bid on, so by bidding on more papers, you decrease the chance that a paper is assigned to you that you did not want.

Bidding starts the day after the abstract deadline and must be completed by TBA

EasyChair Instructions

  • Log into EasyChair at
  • Ensure that you enter the conference with the “PC member” role.
  • In the menu at the top, click on “Bidding” and you will see the set of submissions for bidding.
  • Bid on the papers by selecting your preference in the first column. This is also the opportunity to let us know of any possible conflict of interest.

Bidding Guidelines

We will assign papers for reviews according to your preferences as closely as possible. Please keep in mind, the more papers you bid on, the easier your job will be down the line.

  • Again, please bid “Yes” or “Maybe” on at least 8 submissions.
  • Please only bid on papers for which you have the necessary reviewing expertise. Do not bid on a paper just because it sounds interesting to read.
  • If you feel you have the expertise to judge a paper, even if it might not seem interesting to you, please bid at least “Maybe”.
  • If you do not feel qualified to review a specific paper, please bid “No”. 


If you have questions about paper bidding, please contact us at