Tutorial Data & AI Ethics
Jesse Dinneen

Speaker: Jesse Dinneen (Personal Website)

Berlin School of Library and Information Science, Humboldt-Universität  zu Berlin 



This tutorial examines the ethics of AI and data in the information society. In the first half we will discuss the social and ethical
complications of data, from collection and storage to the many uses and abuses, and what practical steps we might take to address and
prevent the problems. In the second half we discuss the benefits and risks of AI, the technical and social causes and consequences for
different groups of people, and relevant perspectives and responses. No expertise in data, AI, or ethics is required.

Tutorial on Forgetting in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

Speaker: Kai Sauerwald

Knowledge-Based Systems, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, FernUniversität in Hagen

Foto: FernUniversität in Hagen/Hardy Welsch


With the growing amount of data, information overloading becomes a big challenge for humans and for computer systems. Understanding forgetting conceptually and making forgetting mechanisms available in processes and in computer systems is of special interest for tackling the problem of information overload in many domains. In this tutorial, we will consider a broad spectrum of different approaches to forgetting from a knowledge representation and reasoning perspective.