International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis, June 25 – 28, 2019, Frankfurt, Germany.


The ICFCA conference series is the major biannual event of the Formal Concept Analysis research community. The 15th International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis, ICFCA 2019, aims to bring together researchers and practitioners working on both theoretical and practical aspects of Formal Concept Analysis, as well as its applications in various application fields like data mining, machine learning, software engineering, semantic web, social sciences and biology.

Formal Concept Analysis emerged in the 1980’s from attempts to restructure lattice theory in order to promote better communication between lattice theorists and potential users of lattice theory. Since its early years, Formal Concept Analysis has developed into a research field in its own right with a thriving theoretical community and a rapidly expanding range of applications in information and knowledge processing including visualization, data analysis (mining) and knowledge management and discovery.

ICFCA 2019 will be hosted by Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences.